MROQC Data Request Process
MROQC members are welcome and encouraged to submit data requests that align with MROQC quality improvement initiatives or support local quality improvement goals.
For further details on the MROQC Data Use & Publication Policy for use and sharing of data, please click Here.
Request for Use of Consortium-Wide Data or Site Specific Data:
Individuals wishing to use MROQC collaborative-wide data or site specific data must:
Complete a MROQC Data Request Form
View MROQC Data Request Form Instructions here
If a person who is not a member of an MROQC team is interested in making use of MROQC data, the site Clinical Champion must be listed as an author on the data request form
1st and Senior Authors must follow the MROQC Authorship Guidelines when selecting co-authors.
Any publications based on collaborative‐wide data must involve an MROQC Coordinating Center statistician.
If you are requesting data for a publication that is attached to a submission deadline, we recommend submitting your concept within 3 months of your deadline (urgent requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis)
Data requests received will be sent to the respective MROQC Quality Improvement Leadership and WG Team (breast, lung, bone mets, or prostate) to ensure a request is consistent with the goals of the CQI
Once reviewed and approved by the respective WG, a data request will go forward to the MROQC EC
The MROQC EC will review and provide the final decision before any data is provided to a requester by majority vote (approval, request for more information, or disapproval)
Prior to Submission for Publication
Any drafts and subsequent final version must be reviewed and approved by the following:
The respective WG overseeing the project
The final draft must be submitted to the EC for review
For materials with a submission deadline (abstracts, posters, slides), the EC must receive your document(s) no later than the Friday before the submission deadline.